Better ideas not bigger budgets. You can't outspend your competition but you can out think them.


If you're in marketing and you're not taking risks, you're in the wrong game. If you want to play it safe, become an accountant.


Great marketing comes from great culture. This will have the single biggest impact on your marketing. Period. 




I'm a farmers son from South West Scotland now living in Windsor. 

I spent my youth growing up on our beef, sheep and dairy farm before cutting my teeth on sales and marketing in the drinks industry in London.

There I learnt the importance of brand and the power of great marketing. Done correctly, it can change everything. 

Fast forward 10 years and I found myself back in the agricultural industry applying my rather alternative take on marketing to help brands stand out and get noticed. 



I want to see more farm businesses succeed. 

British farming is a commodity businesses but it shouldn't be. We are forced to sell our products on price in a supply chain dominated by the big supermarkets. 

But rather than look externaly for help I believe the answers lie within. Governments or Supermarkets aren't going to cut us a better deal so we need to take the matter into out own hands.

Therefore I believe the best way to get us out of the situation we're in is to create a brand around British agriculture and start marketing ourselves properly.

This website is dedicated to dong just that. 

Lets get started